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How God Changed My Life – Stephen McCollum

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I grew up in a Christian home where my dad was a minister, but that isn’t enough to save me from my sin. I grew up having been baptised and attending church every Lord’s Day, but that isn’t enough to save me from my sin. I grew up learning all the right things, but again that isn’t enough to save me from my sin. The only way of salvation is faith in Jesus Christ and by repentance turning from sin to God. The Bible tells us that our good works are not pleasing to God without faith. When we think of how deeply sin is rooted in our hearts, how could a few good actions or kind words make up for rebellion against God. But God is pleased to save through Jesus who died on the cross in the place of his people – the righteous God-man in the place of unrighteous sinners. Without this sacrifice my sins would be held against me, condemning me. But thanks be to God that He has enabled me to trust in Jesus’ death and resurrection so that my sins are completely forgiven!

I can’t tell you when I was saved – it doesn’t matter for God knows – but I can tell you that God continues to work in my life. I may be a minister, but I’m not perfect. All Christians wrestle against sin that dwells in our hearts – I’m no different. But I know that the God who saved me from the penalty for my sin is the same God who saves me from the power and presence of sin. I see that day by day. And I know that if God did it for me, He can do it for anyone else – even you! I can’t help but preach this good news so that others can come to have the same hope that I have.